
The September Re-set! 

 August 27, 2019

By  Katie

Back To School Tips Just For You

Like many people I spent a considerable amount of my life on a school calendar; as a kid, as a college student, as a graduate student, as a teacher and now as a mom. I love the school calendar for lots of reasons but the biggest one? SEPTEMBER and the back to school reset!


I adore September. I am deeply in love with September. September represents do-over. Re-start. Re-set.

New school year. New possibilities. September feels fresh and squeaky clean and full of promise. Want to try something new? Do it! Want to kick out the old and unhelpful? Do it!!! Want to remember who you were before the summer sucked you dry like a roadside tumbleweed?? DO IT ALL IN SEPTEMBER!

The older I get the more I look forward to this time of the year. And now as a SAHM of school aged kids, it’s my New Years. We’ve had a lovely summer but I’m ready for a bit more routine and a few hours in the day to focus on things other than playing cruise director to a 6 and 3 year old.

So I’ve put together a little guide of sorts for those looking to start a-new this Back to School season. Get their cute little butts on the bus and get going on your own plans!!

1. Write It All Down

I am a huge advocate of writing it all down. Lists, to do’s, thoughts, idea, whatever. Write it down, plan it, set goals, have it all laid out in front of you. My go-to is an actual paper planner (but obvi use whatever medium you prefer). I geek out over planners, they are the physical representation of what I want my life to be: organized, efficient and adorable 🙂

I have tried so many over the years and my favorites are large (8 x 10), flat lay, sturdy, with large daily boxes and weekly breakdowns. Pockets are always an extra helpful bonus. This is my current fave and I just ordered my 2020 planner…I’m feeling so efficient 😉

2. Meal Planning Pro

For me, getting back into a groove means meal planning. I tend to go a bit off-book in the summer but as we are navigating new school years, new routines it helps immensely to have a system in place that saves time and money and keeps us all well fed.

My go-to for all things meal planning is Taran at Undomestic Mom. She is a master meal planner and her tips, plans and recipes seriously take all the thinking out of your weekly meals.

And the perfect partner for meal planning is Instacart! I am a HUGE Instacart user and love, love, love the ease and convenience.

Not only am I saving time by not schlepping to and from stores but I’m also saving money! I am an impulse buyer and most times leave a grocery store with far more than I actually went in for. I’ve done the math and using Instacart for the things I need has saved major dollars in our weekly budget, it cuts out the impulse!

Check it out and get $10 off your first order 🙂

3. Mind AND Body

I do not keep New Years workout resolutions but for some reason setting a goal and making a plan in the Back to School season works so well! This summer in particular I really struggled to stick to a healthy living routine; both my workouts and my eating suffered.

So this year, as my kids get back into school mode and I am resetting my brain, I am making a plan to get back into workout mode. I’m starting with the workouts I enjoy the most: spin, barre, running and yoga.

Once you’ve decided what you workout preference is, get in on the calendar, plan it out. Schedule your workouts and treat it like the commitment it should be!

4. Commit to Self Care

Without a doubt, self care is an area that I pay the least amount of attention to (and the area that needs the most attention). And I’m not talking massages and pedicures…although why not commit to those to!

Like my workouts, I’m choosing a few things that are, for me, renewing and relaxing. Things I know help to fill me back up when I’m solidly on ’empty’; writing, reading, quality time with friends and date nights.

And honestly? Time. Time is my ultimate self care luxury. Time away from my life as a SAHM. Time to be by myself. Time to reconnect with a friend. Time always makes a difference.

How can you create time for yourself?

The thing about true “self care” is that it’s different for everyone, as it should be! So decide what is truly YOUR self care, and just do it.

Put those cute butts on the bus and get back to you, mama!


Hi! I'm Katie...

I'm a marketing strategist, content writer & chronically online elder millennial with a theater kid heart and entrepreneur brain.

I hope fellow women entrepreneurs  market their business, create content that feels oh-so good & live this business life to the fullest!

Join me, won't you?


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