
I Don’t Want To Run I Don’t Want to Run I Don’t Want to Run 

 June 27, 2017

By  Katie

Guys? I really don’t want to run today.

Here is a list of things I’d rather do:

– Laundry
– Dishes
– Administer oral medication to either of my children
– Pick up dog poop
– Change a blow out diaper
– Clean out my car, like well
– Fight with my health insurance company about anything
– Watch 11 episodes of Caillou in a row

That last one speaks volumes, believe you me…

UGH I just don’t want to run. And I have to run. This is week 4 of my 18 week training plan and I’ve got some pretty long runs coming up. I need to run. I need to build my mileage. I need to train. I need to quit my bitching and just do it. I need to not be such a lady baby about it and get it done. I JUST DON’T WANT TO.

You know that thing when you know something you’ve never done before is going to be really hard but you’re still kinda surprised when it ends up being really damn hard? THIS is marathon training.
I knew going into this that it was going to suck. I watched my very best friend do it last year and witnessed first hand how flat out friggin’ awful it was.

I remember getting a call from her one Saturday. She was in the middle of one of her long runs and she had forgotten something at my house that she needed for the run. I wish I remembered what that thing was because I recall that it kind of added to the awful-ness of the run. Anyway, she asked me to meet her at a gas station not far from my house, about 2 miles. This gas station was, however, about 8 miles from her house and it was her half way point. (Let’s do that math, 16 miles round trip).

It was mid July and hot as balls in Chicago. Like that lovely armpit humid hot that makes breathing hard and going down the driveway to get the mail real uncomfortable. I pulled into the gas station just as she came down the street. She was soaking wet, wearing a belt with a few small water bottles on it and she looked like she hated life. We talked for a few minutes and she adjusted her belt and armband and then she did something that so grossed me out, she licked her arms. Like full on, tongue out, licked her arms. I think I very disgustedly asked her what the hell she was doing and she simply said, “I need the salt”. The salt from the sweat that had accumulated on her arms. Oh. Ok. Woof. So this is the sort of thing you may have to do when running long distances? Well that’s just revolting.

But this is marathon training. These are things I knew when I signed my ass up. And I did it anyway. Because anything truly worth doing is going to suck along the way. Because being outside your zone is one of the few things that truly promotes growth. Because saying and doing are 2 very different things and while the words “I’m training for the marathon” sounds super awesome? Actually completing said marathon is even awesome-er.

And because, as my girl popped her earbuds in to complete the back end of her long run, I was in awe and envious of her determination, strength and ability. I wanted that. I wanted to be her. Arm licking and all.

So I’ll go do my measly 3 miles today and I’ll do 4 tomorrow and 3 the day after that and 9 on Saturday. And I’ll remember just how far I’ve come and look forward to the miles ahead.

Kinda 😉

Hi! I'm Katie...

I am a marketing strategist, content writer, chronically online elder millennial and champion of women entrepreneurs everywhere.

My mission is the empower women business owners with the knowledge, tools and hell-yes mindset to build the empire of their dreams!

From marketing planning and content creation to mindset shifts for success, reach out and let’s see just how far you can go!

xoxo, Katie

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