
Why Doing A Business Reset in September Could Define Your Business’s Future 

 September 5, 2023

By  Katie

4 Steps To Start A Business Reset

The brisk winds of autumn are upon us. The leaves start to color, pumpkin spice everything is in full swing, and our kids have just taken the leap back into school life. And it’s the perfect time for a business reset!

For many women entrepreneurs, September brings with it a unique kind of peace—a pause. This pause, however, isn’t about slowing down; it’s a golden opportunity to reset. And if you’re wondering why September holds such transformative potential for your business, you’re about to find out.

marketing business reset

A Season of New Beginnings & The Perfect Time For A Business Reset

For most of us, September has always marked a new beginning – schools restart, fresh agendas are put to paper, and in the business world, Q4 looms, making it a really important period to reassess and realign our goals.

While many wait for the New Year to make resolutions, savvy businesswomen recognize that September is the real game-changer. I’ve always naturally taken the fresh start energy of September and spent time giving my business a once over from a marketing and content perspective.

And now it’s your turn!

Potential Pitfalls of Not Doing A September Reset

Imagine running an entire marathon without ever stopping to hydrate or even check if you’re on the right track. Exhausting, right? That’s precisely what it feels like running a business without periodic check-ins. Not adjusting or assessing your marketing strategy can lead to:

Wasted Resources: Time and money are paramount in business. Without evaluation, you could be sinking resources into strategies that no longer serve you.

Lost Opportunities: Trends change, and the digital landscape is always evolving. Failing to pivot means possibly missing out on golden chances to connect with your audience.

Stagnation: If you’re not growing, you’re stagnating. The absence of periodic resets can halt the growth momentum your business needs.

The September Advantage

But why September? Why not January, when the new year buzz is all around? Here’s why the September reset could be more transformative:

It’s All About Timing: With three-quarters of the year behind us, September offers the perfect vantage point to reflect on what’s worked, what hasn’t, and where we need to steer next.

Preparation for Q4: The last quarter can often be the most profitable, especially with major shopping holidays. A September reset ensures you’re primed to make the most of it.

Setting the Tone for the New Year: By the time January rolls around, you’re not just starting; you’re already in motion, capitalizing on strategies you began refining in September.

How to Harness September’s Business Reset Energy

Understanding the why is half the battle; the next step is the how. Here’s a brief guide:

Revisit Your Goals and KPIs: What were your initial objectives for the year? How close are you to achieving them? Understanding this can offer clarity on where to direct your efforts.

Delve Deep into Analytics: This is where you uncover the gold—what’s resonating with your audience, which platforms are yielding results, and where there might be gaps in your strategy.

Spot Trends: Observing patterns in your audience’s behavior or feedback can provide insights into their evolving needs, allowing you to cater to them better.

Plan with Data: Now that you’re armed with insights, it’s time to strategize. This isn’t about wild guesses; it’s about informed decisions that propel you forward.

Concluding Thoughts: Your Business’s Future Starts Today

It’s never too late to take a deep look at your business and reset…and I want to make it so easy for you.

The September Reset isn’t just a program; it’s a mindset shift, a recognition that periodic introspection and realignment are not just beneficial—they’re vital. It’s an understanding that success in business isn’t just about relentless forward motion; sometimes, it’s about taking a moment to pause, reflect, and then surge forward with renewed purpose and clarity.

As autumn leaves begin to fall and you sip on that pumpkin spice latte, remember this: The future of your business could very well be shaped by how you use this September. So, take a deep breath, reset, and redefine your journey. The future awaits, and it looks promising!

If you’re looking for more support in your marketing and content, let’s chat! Click here to book a complimentary Get To Know You call and let’s see what we can do together!

Hi! I'm Katie...

I'm a marketing strategist, content writer & chronically online elder millennial with a theater kid heart and entrepreneur brain.

I hope fellow women entrepreneurs  market their business, create content that feels oh-so good & live this business life to the fullest!

Join me, won't you?


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