
The 5 Most Beneficial Types of Content For Your Business 

 September 16, 2021

By  Katie

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Are you a business owner looking to create online content that drives sales, engagement and awareness?

Awesome, you’re in the right place!

It can feel a bit overwhelming when you’re starting to plan your content – do you focus on your emails? Social media? Instagram Reels? Ads?

Should you start utilizing carrier pigeons and really make an impact!?

Well, you sure could but to avoid the added hassle of keeping birds alive, I’ve got 5 things you can focus on right now to really drive brand awareness, increase sales and truly engage with your audience. 

1. Blog Articles

If it feels like blogging is a thing of the past, you couldn’t be more wrong! 

Today’s digital marketing data shows that keeping your blog up to date and active is highly beneficial.

According to Hubspot.com, an industry leader in digital marketing, businesses with blogs on their websites produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies without a blog.

That’s nothing to sneeze at!

Creating a valuable, SEO optimized blog page to your company website and updating it consistently with articles that inform and engage is one hugely impactful way to drive your business. 

Check out this article that talks more in-depth about the reasons your business needs a blog. 

lovely set up for creating content

2. Video

In the wide world of digital marketing, video has quickly risen through the ranks and sits among the strongest types of content you can produce to drive business. 

Facebook, Instagram Reels and the almighty YouTube are the front runners when it comes to audience reach and ROI on video. 

When Instagram announced in July of 2021 that the app, known almost exclusively as a photo sharing platform, will begin to shift focus to video it sent the message loud and clear – short format video is quickly taking the throne, so it’s time to get onboard.

The good news is that high quality video can be produced with nothing more than an iPhone and decent lighting. However, when planning what goes into the video that’s going to drive your business, spend a bit of time learning all you can and get it right! 

One of my favorite video strategy coaches, Virginia Kerr, gives ALL the best info on how and what to do when creating impactful video content. Check her out! 

3. Emails

Just like those good ‘ole blog posts, well-written, engaging and strategic emails is a super powerful tool to have in place. 

A huge part of successful (money making) marketing is how well you’re connecting with your ideal customer. 

You’ve optimized blog posts so they show up in searches, you’ve produced highly valuable video to engage your audience but have you spoken directly to them from their inbox? It’s time for some good email marketing!

With an amazing $42 for every $1 ROI (that’s 4,200% for my non-math friends like me) email marketing is the most cost effective, and easiest, way to reach your customers. 

Your challenge then, unless you already have a healthy list, is to build an email list that is active and strong. If you’re starting from scratch, or have a list that’s gone stale, use some of the free resources available and learn all you can!

HubSpot Academy offers free online courses in Email Marketing, along with dozens of other focus areas and Neil Patel’s YouTube channel is jam packed with everything you need to start building an engaged, profitable email list. 

4. Social Media Posts

Ok here’s the thing with social media – if you’re not entertaining, educating or inspiring, it’s not going to do much for you. 

When we look at social media posts, and this could be on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn,  through the big picture lens of content marketing, it’s a part of the puzzle that can be hugely valuable when used in the right way. 

In the planning and writing of your social content, remember that quality is king – posting daily might do nothing if what you’re putting out there doesn’t speak to pain points, give valuable info or create a connection with your audience. 

“A huge part of successful, money-making marketing is how

well you’re connecting with your ideal customer”

5. Podcasts

As one of the newest kids on the content marketing block, podcasts have quickly become a highly effective way to reach a highly targeted audience. 

Creating a valuable, entertaining podcast does all the best marketing. It creates community, increases your Know, Like, Trust factor and increases SEO over multiple platforms. 

According to Entrepreneur.com, podcasting has lower competition, a higher engagement rate and allows you to really speak to a highly niched group of consumers. It’s also been found that podcast listeners are very loyal and engage with brands and business across all multiple platforms.

If you’ve got a lot to share and want to make a big mark, consider starting your own podcast! 

create a podcast as an effective content tool.
Photo by Tommy Lopez on Pexels.com

So, you’ve got lots of options, right? And maybe you’re thinking “Katie, I couldn’t possibly produce all of these!” 

And to that I say, “Think smarter, not harder.”

Can you record a short video to accompany a blog post? Imbed that video into the post, share the same video on your socials as part of your blog post promotion. And make sure those social posts are killer!

Maybe you’re not comfortable on camera but you can write and tell your story like a pro? Write some awesome blog posts, take parts of that content to use in your emails and then expand a bit with a podcast episode. 

See where I’m going here? One piece of content begets another piece of content and before you know it your audience is engaged and excited! 

Ok, let’s get at it! Let’s start creating content!

Need a bit more guidance? Book a strategy session and we can get sh*t done 🙂 

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Hi! I'm Katie...

I'm a marketing strategist, content writer & chronically online elder millennial with a theater kid heart and entrepreneur brain.

I hope fellow women entrepreneurs  market their business, create content that feels oh-so good & live this business life to the fullest!

Join me, won't you?


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